Twitter search: Wangi
RT @_bdgirl_: dia guna cara ni sebab minyak wangi dia dah habis and for those yang baru beli jangan buat macam ni nanti dia meleleh leleh k…
nas cantik @_bdgirl_
RT by: ♡ @Umairrhan
RT @_bdgirl_: dia guna cara ni sebab minyak wangi dia dah habis and for those yang baru beli jangan buat macam ni nanti dia meleleh leleh k…
RT by: ♡ @Umairrhan
RT @_bdgirl_: dia guna cara ni sebab minyak wangi dia dah habis and for those yang baru beli jangan buat macam ni nanti dia meleleh leleh k…
Twitter search: Parfum
Liberty the best summer sensational fragrance, be unique this summer and Be Defined with #Lightice_Z . #harare…
LightIce_zim @LighticeZ
Liberty the best summer sensational fragrance, be unique this summer and Be Defined with #Lightice_Z . #harare…
Liberty the best summer sensational fragrance, be unique this summer and Be Defined with #Lightice_Z . #harare…
pheromone - BingNews
What to do in the garden this weekend
Maincrop potatoes can go in this month. Should codling moth be a problem on apple trees, set pheromone codling moth traps. When the numbers caught build up, it is time to spray. Well-rotted animal man...
Twitter search: Pengikat
RT @leoneceau: "Oh ya, Harry Potter sempat mencuri dengar beberapa bagian percakapan Draco dengan teman-temannya Slytherin tentang misinya…
RT @_bdgirl_: dia guna cara ni sebab minyak wangi dia dah habis and for those yang baru beli jangan buat macam ni nanti dia meleleh leleh k…